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Radius/Proximity Search in Dynamics 365 CRM

Is Nina fixing a ‘Client Meeting,’ sitting in a park?

“I am using Radius Search, a cool feature enabled by Maplytics in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Mobile App”, Nina explained to Lisa over chat. “I’ve simply entered my current location, this park, and the distance I am willing to travel for a client meeting at this hour,” she added. “… so many clients nearby. I’ll check who is available and fix up a meeting”, Nina signed off gleefully. “I can only be jealous of you,” Lisa, a fellow sales rep from a different company sighed at the other end.

Nina had traveled for an hour for a pre-scheduled meeting. Upon reaching, she understood that the meeting had been canceled due to a medical emergency. Nina could have called it a day. But she went to a nearby park, checked Maplytics on her Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Mobile App, and found a new client nearby using Radius Search.

What if Lisa’s organization also licensed Maplytics?

Imagine Lisa is on the field attending her scheduled appointments. Her meeting successfully wraps up before time and her working time ends after 3 more hours. To contribute to her business optimally, she decides to look for the availability of clients near her current location. This is where she could use Radius/Proximity search in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM on her mobile, tablet, or laptop. On adding her GPS location and the distance or time she is willing to travel, she could visualize the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM data on the map.

How would Radius Search function for Lisa?

Radius Search within Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM allows filtering records within the circumference formed by giving a Proximity/Radius on the map around the current location. Lisa can thus, search the client records in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM with the category ‘expected revenue’ in the proximity of say, two miles by using Radius search in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM. This will plot client records within the given radius sorted by the ‘Revenue category.’

What else can Lisa experience?

Lisa also has the option to view the shortest travel distance along with the line-of-sight (straight line) distance to all the records plotted. She can select the strongest prospect from the categorized data and save travel time on the map in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM. However, the crux arises in the absence of any existing, potential, or available client around the current location of Lisa within her specified radius.


Proximity Search dynamics 365
How could Lisa deal with a client’s absence within her specified radius?

In such a situation, Lisa can explore further by doing a Concentric Proximity Search on Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM data. Using this extended feature of Radius Search, she can input up to three radii and search the client records under the ‘expected revenue’ category within the circumference formed by the three radii values. Concentric proximity highlights the data zone in distinct colors for different radii. To view the distance of various CRM records from the current location Lisa needs to hover over the pushpins of the plotted records. This enables her to do a relative analysis of Microsoft Dynamics CRM data and choose the area with maximum revenue and minimum distance or whatever suits her plan at that moment.

Radius/ Proximity Search thus empowers Lisa’s impromptu (espontáneo) decision-making, making her feel independent, utilizing her time and efforts efficiently, and ultimately contributing responsibly to the business along with her employer and client within Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM.



Radius Search feature of Maplytics allows you to plot records in certain proximity or concentric proximities for Dynamics 365 CRM data.

Maplytics allows you to locate Dynamics 365 CRM records that lie in the shortest travel distance from your current location.

Proximity Search feature of Maplytics allows you to locate records that lie within a certain travel time from reference location in Dynamics 365 CRM.

Yes, with Maplytics you can view the line-of-sight distance from point of reference selected in Dynamics 365 data.

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